Part- Time (10-12 hours/week)
Assist Job Path's Office Manager to ensure efficient/effective operations.
- Monitoring supplies, preparing shipping list, checking deliveries, compiling paperwork for Fiscal Department
- Assisting with distribution of metro cards & half-fares for participants' travel reimbursements
- Researching conference registrations, travel arrangements
- Typing, Xeroxing, scanning creating documents in Word & Excel.
- Supervising 2 part-time porters & 2 part-time receptionists; covering the switchboard when necessary
- Delivering mail
- Preparing messenger runs
- Troubleshooting office equipment
- Catering meetings
- Taking staff photographs & preparing ID cards
- Preparing business cards
- Assisting with audit preparation
- Helping with other office tasks when necessary
High school diploma or equivalent' proficiency with Word, Excel & Outlook, good mathematical skills, detail oriented, able to prioritize & able to work with adults with developmental disabilities.
Please submit your cover letter and resume to Sue McMillan, or fax to 212.921.5342, or mail to 22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018, Attention to Sue McMillan.