Monday, March 21, 2011

Graphic Design alumni shares internship advice with students

Rob Roan, a graphic design alumni, spoke at a Career Services Week event in the 2010 fall quarter. Roan had a variety of internship experiences when he graduated from our school in 2007. He shared his experiences and some advice with AI New York City students who are about to embark on their mission to find an internship.

Roan empathizes with the feeling of being underprepared for an internship search. He told students that companies are aware that interns are underdeveloped in certain skills. “They know that they'll hire an intern specifically for certain things.” Rather than worrying about their technical weaknesses, Rob recommended that students focus on their strengths. “They'll match up your skills to what their needs are.”

He suggested that students hit as many interviews as they can. Once they get that internship, its important to treat that internship as a real job. “Be there on time, do exactly what your told and try to do more and that way you get the recommendation that you need.” It shouldn't matter if the internship is paid or unpaid. The importance of an internship is that students get the valuable experience that they need to get a foot into the industry.

Industry professionals and Alumni guest speakers, like Rob, visit AI New York City to impart advice to students. Take advantage of this Career Service resource and visit these events every week 4 in the gallery. If you'd like assistance in your internship search, don't hesitate to set up an appointment with your Career Services Advisor.