Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Who ever said getting a Retail job in New York City was easy is crazy!!

Who ever said getting a Retail job in New York City was easy is crazy. In this city Retail Sales, Waitressing or Bartending are careers and the interviews should be treated as such; with serious intent.

There are specific things employers are looking for. The look and feel of a store is maintained in their sales associates and managers. So the interview process can be quite arduous and time consuming. Store mangers have no time for people who are late or candidates who show a lack of enthusiasm. There are 3 attributes that are important to retail; 3 qualities that if demonstrated in an interview and performed on the job will guarantee your success in New York Retail.

They are:

1. Salesmanship Skills. Retail is a business built on sales, a business built on sales needs salesman. A very specific type of salesman too; one who is knowledgable, friendly and eager. Showing prowess of communications skills and customer service ability will be your first and best weapon in a retail interview.

2. Followership and Team building skills. Retail Managers are some of the hardest working people in New York. They are on their feet all day, managing anywhere from 5 to 200 people, and tens of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. They need you to work when you are scheduled and to do what you are told when you are there. Retail is a well oiled machine with little cogs and bolts. Those cogs are you. If you are broken you can be replaced in a week. Being able to follow directions and execute tasks when you are asked is invaluable in retail. Demonstrate this and you’ll be in like Flynn.

3. Theft Prevention Skills. In New York City theft prevention and Retail are intertwined like a pretzel. The most common questions are scenario based questions that deal with individuals integrity; both to the store and to themselves. The question most likely be asking what a sales associate would do if they caught a fellow employee stealing. What do you think the correct answer is? Go on. Ask yourself, what would you do if you caught a fellow employee (maybe a friend) stealing? If you said “I would confront them” or “I would deal with it is myself”; You are wrong. The correct answer is “Tell a manger.” Be a tattle tale, its okay in this scenario. If you feel that you are ratting out a buddy; realize that when they steal from the store, they are stealing from you. When things get stolen it costs the store and the chain money; that money is supposed to go to your paycheck.

Retail is a profession in this city, with details and nuances to rival any major corporation. Stay sharp. Stay motivated. Stay on point; and you’ll work in any store you want.